Monday, March 30, 2009

Solar Rebates Easier for All

Solar rebates are really good right now, but they're not simple or straightforward. Three different rebates combine to make solar pay for itself in 4 years and make you money after that. But those rebates are from 3 different places - and they don't work for everyone!

Two of the major rebates are tax credits. The federal government agreed to increase its tax credit from a cap of $2000 to a full 30% of the cost of the system. This can be over $20,000 for many homes. New York state, like many states, has a 25% tax credit which is still capped at $5000. Unfortunately, you need to pay income tax to get these.

While its great that the government is able to provide such a strong incentive, they rule out a large percentage of the population. Retired people typically don't pay income tax, and have no use for tax credits. And yet, Americans over 65 have the highest rate of home-ownership: 80% in 2008. Whey are we ignoring this large percentage of the population, effectively preventing them from making investments with their money and their homes that will benefit future generations and make them more secure against rising energy prices after they stop working?

The third rebate is the one that should be focused on. The Long Island Power Authority gives an up-front rebate of $3.5/watt, or about 40% of the installed system cost. This rebate is similar to how solar has developed as an industry in Germany and other parts of Europe.

The federal government should make rebates available to all people, regardless of age, and they should simplify the process by providing a single-source for rebates: through the utility companies. Then we can get in the business of installing solar on house after house, putting Americans to work and strengthening our clean energy future.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Early Innovators

Renewable energy is new stuff. Its cutting edge, and its the way of the future. Which means its not going to appeal to everyone all at once. We were talking tonight about Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point. Gladwell explains the Diffusion Model--". . . a detailed, academic way of looking at how a contagious idea or product or innovation moves through a population" - key individuals include innovators (a very small percentage), early adopters (maybe 1%-5%), early majority (the next 30%), late majority, and laggards.

What we're seeing in the Long Island solar industry is the early innovators and early adopters getting excited about the reality of solar. But, what's happening in some small towns, is that within a community the early adopters are talking to the early majority, who are getting in on the action too. That's where the magic happens.

I like seeing people who never would have wanted to get involved in something green or risky, hearing from their friends about their meter spinning backwards, and becoming dead-set on making their home solar powered. We need to create communities of innovators who can make solar energy the thing that everyone has.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Time is Now

What's the best phrase to use about solar energy? 'The time is now'

Objectively, solar has never been a better value. The federal, state and LIPA rebates all line up to make investing in solar more profitable and safe than its ever been. Systems pay themselves off in as little as 4 years, making a 25% return on investment, and is currently one of the only home improvements that pays for itself. (How long did the new bathroom take to pay for itself?)

But the cost to the homeowner is only one small part of this. Our economy is in a state of flux. We don't know where the stock market will go, or what the credit markets will do. Real estate seems to be starting to recover, but will remain shaken for a time to come. All of these things stem, at least in part, from our uncertainty over energy. This summer's oil shock jolted a lot of us into an unpleasant realization of how much we depend on cheap gas and heating oil. I've certainly been riding my bike a lot more since then. I think more and more of us are realizing that its time for a change.

The time is now to become a pioneer. Solar energy right now is the choice that you wish you could have made all those times before. Do it for every time you forgot to recycle a bottle or left your travel mug at home. Do it for all those fast food meals that you wish you hadn't eaten. Do it for the money that you should have put in your retirement fund. Do it for your children.

The time is now for the planet. I'm motivated to work for this company because the glaciers are melting. I'm working because coal companies poison entire communities to keep bringing us dirty electricity. I'm working to stop thousands of square miles of tundra from being scraped away in the Canadian tar sands. I'm working because I can make the biggest impact on climate change here, reducing home's demand on the electric grid to zero.

I hope you feel the same urgency to become part of the future. The time is now for solar energy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Education Vs. Sales

I'm new to e2sys, and one thing stands out a lot at this company. We have a big focus on education.

Renewable energy is what everyone's talking about, but between the advances in technology, changing rules and occasional controversies, people don't always know what to think. It makes sense, after all, that there's so much education necessary. Our country has been behind Europe and other developed countries when it comes to renewable energy. We didn't learn about this stuff in school, and we don't have enough intelligent reporters who know how to inform us of what's going on.

With all the reasons why people don't know how renewable energy works, its no surprise that once people understand it better they're quick to sign up. Shoppers at Waldbaums the past couple Saturdays were often attracted by our large Skystream display turbine, which looks like an oversize fan. They come over and ask about getting wind on their property, thinking that it was a new and exciting technology for their home. In fact, wind technology for homes hasn't advanced nearly as fast as solar electric.

After a conversation, they would often become much more interested in the rate of return available on solar systems, sign up, and put e2sys Energy Experts to work producing an estimate for their house.

Most companies have a product that people are fairly familiar with, and the goal of marketing is to convince the customer that the product is more unique, a better value or more useful than the competition. Here at e2sys, we want to introduce people to renewable energy, because we're confident that they'll choose us once they know.

If you've been hearing about solar and wind energy recently, and never considered it because it was always for 'someone else', 'somewhere else'; think again. Let us educate you. Come take a solar tour at our residential office (Every Saturday at 11:00, 3305 Aldrich Lane, Laurel, NY), or call us up!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prolonging the Inevitable

R.E.M. had it right when they belted out those lyrics, "It's the end of the world as we know it." No, I'm not referring to a cancer epidemic, World War III, or even global warming. This rings to a slightly better tone. 

No longer do we feel cornered and weakened by the fossil fuel industry. No longer will the price of coal or oil be on our minds. No longer will we pay our hard earned dollars to the energy companies!

Wow, now let's wait just a minute. This may sound like some campaign of the future, but when we break it down, this picture isn't really much different than reality, or at least not too far from it. 

The technology is available, now, to completely eliminate an electricity bill from a home owner's monthly troubles. One of the reasons most families are still paying the power companies is that the pay back period is past the point of assurance. By assurance, I don't mean whether they will or won't be paid back, rather that families cannot accurately look that far into the future. Many families do not know if they will be in the same homes in nine years. They're not sure who will be left in the house to consume energy.  Not to be a downer, but families don't know if they will even be together in nine years. 

Four years is a much better number. Families can rationalize where they will be in four years. Millions of families already do when they watch a child go on to higher education, typically consisting of four years of schooling. Families are able to plan for four years.

Right now, the Long Island Power Association's rebate in combination with the Federal and State tax incentives, makes the payback period for renewable energy between four and five years. The Government incentives are not going down, but LIPA plans to reduce their rebate from $3.50 to $3.00 per watt. This, in effect, increases the payback time by an average of two to three years, bringing it up to seven or eight years. 

This decrease in rebates will have the negative effect of reducing the amount of families willing to invest in renewable energy, unless something is done. This reduction in rebate must be either prevented or made up in another way. 

LIPA wasn't paying attention to Micheal Stripe of R.E.M. In making their budget, they didn't forsee the growth potential and accessability that the renewable energy industry has. LIPA must not have guaged the interest in sustainable development on Long Island, and didn't allocate enough money into their budget to cover the rebates and now has to make changes to adapt to this shortcoming. The decrease in rebate is not the how the money should be recovered. To do so is like waving a steak a foot from the nose of a rottweiler with a loose chain. It is also prolonging the inevitable. LIPA must realize this and take the proper course of action. We need suggestions as much as they do.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Leading the Path to Independence - E2Sys

"The Power of Independence" is upon us, and Eastern Energy Systems, Inc. of Laurel, NY is the leading renewable energy company that is powering the independence of Long Island, NY. 

E2Sys, as we are passionately known, was started in 2006 by Jamie Minnick and has evolved into the leading renewable energy company of the North Fork of LI. The product of Jamie's inspiration and experience is a company that believes in allowing employees to find their own position; creating an atmosphere that never requires a push from the upper echelons of the company; only helpful assistance with ideas and goals. Each employee of E2Sys has a sense of freedom in their work. The Team has a passion for turning Long Island into a model of what a society can do when it citizens are educated on the incredible value of using renewable energy sources. With an average age of 24, the employees of Eastern Energy Systems represent a freshness and enthusiasm that is welcomed in the industry. The atmosphere of E2Sys is similar to an infinite chain reaction. The enthusiasm that surrounds every individual contributes to the inspiration of anyone around; by seeing inspiration in others, especially for such a vital cause, your own inspiration immediately grows. Although each employee does have their own expertise and contribution, we share a collective goal.

The most important goal of Eastern Energy Systems, Inc. is to extend our knowledge and teach everyone the possibilities that come with sustainability. We believe that through education, home-owners and communities will understand the accessibility of sustainable energy and will make the conscious, intelligent decision to switch to renewable energy. The waiting period for efficient technology is over, and E2Sys wants to show you how.

At E2Sys, our Energy Experts' goal is to permanently eliminate our customer's electric bill. E2Sys provides customers with everything they need to become Independent in their energy needs. The first step towards reducing energy costs is to identify immediate actions that can take place such as improvements within the home such as; energy efficient light bulbs, reducing the loss of energy from the home, and reducing electrical consumption by turning off products or lights that are not being used. These actions alone will reduce the amount of energy being used and are done at low costs. Simple actions can also have the quickest payback period.

After reducing electricity usage, the second step is to best-fit a home with renewable energy; this part, the customer can leave to E2Sys Energy Experts. By customizing a renewable energy system that works with the specific properties of your home, the energy bill can be eliminated. To take a look at some of the possible systems that can be integrated into your own home, E2Sys gives free tours of our facility in Laurel, NY every Saturday at 11a.m.. E2Sys is confident in creating a solution for energy bills that we give free estimates of properties whose owners are looking to decrease their dependence on energy companies; through Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind, and Geothermal technologies. 
To get started: 
head to the E2Sys website: 
or call us at 631-779-4004