Renewable energy is what everyone's talking about, but between the advances in technology, changing rules and occasional controversies, people don't always know what to think. It makes sense, after all, that there's so much education necessary. Our country has been behind Europe and other developed countries when it comes to renewable energy. We didn't learn about this stuff in school, and we don't have enough intelligent reporters who know how to inform us of what's going on.
With all the reasons why people don't know how renewable energy works, its no surprise that once people understand it better they're quick to sign up. Shoppers at Waldbaums the past couple Saturdays were often attracted by our large Skystream display turbine, which looks like an oversize fan. They come over and ask about getting wind on their property, thinking that it was a new and exciting technology for their home. In fact, wind technology for homes hasn't advanced nearly as fast as solar electric.
After a conversation, they would often become much more interested in the rate of return available on solar systems, sign up, and put e2sys Energy Experts to work producing an estimate for their house.
Most companies have a product that people are fairly familiar with, and the goal of marketing is to convince the customer that the product is more unique, a better value or more useful than the competition. Here at e2sys, we want to introduce people to renewable energy, because we're confident that they'll choose us once they know.
If you've been hearing about solar and wind energy recently, and never considered it because it was always for 'someone else', 'somewhere else'; think again. Let us educate you. Come take a solar tour at our residential office (Every Saturday at 11:00, 3305 Aldrich Lane, Laurel, NY), or call us up!