Stu Glavis, a blogger for Boulder Green Properties, deemed E2sys "A national-industry
leading renewable installer on the North Fork of Long Island..." in his GreenHampton entry.
"Renaissance renewables: The guys (and gal) at Eastern Energy Systems (e2sys, for those in the know) are doing something that I have yet to see anywhere else in the country: design, sales, and install of ALL the best onsite renewable energy technologies for their market. They’ve got a one-stop-shop for Energy Ratings, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Geothermal and On-Site Wind Power. Sun-tracking solar PV; they have it. Ground mount systems and roof mounts; they do ‘em. These enterprising young entrepreneurs can sell and install wind turbines, solar pool and patio heating, closed and open loop geothermal systems, etc… and the list is rapidly growing. I could honestly go on for pages (which I won’t). To help educate the public, e2sys even holds open houses every Saturday starting at 11:00AM during the warmer months so that interested parties can see demonstrations of all offered systems functioning in their natural environments, so to speak. I was so incredibly impressed with the group, their offerings, and their model that I made sure to get a picture with the team in their basement. This way, in the future when they’re green-famous, I’ll have proof that I knew them when…" -Stu Glavis
From Everyone at E2sys... Thanks Stu!!!!
For Full Blog Entry Go To: GreenHampton - energy efficiency in one of the worlds hottest markets